All Groups & Workshops
By offering a full range of services to our community, many who would otherwise not be able to receive lengthier help due to busy schedules or limited finances, take the opportunity to come to one of our groups or workshops led by one of our skilled psychologists.
To register or for further information, please contact us.

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) Course – February 9th 2025
Our highly trained class leaders will take you through the world famous MBSR curriculum and help you move towards more happiness and well-being and a life with decreased stress, anxiety and improved immune function. Sign up now to reserve your spot in our course. Benefits of Your Participation in the MBSR Course This course will […]

ADHD Skills Group
Our ADHD Skills group is designed for adults who have been diagnosed with ADHD by our centre or elsewhere. By learning skills to help compensate for your ADHD, you will be more productive! And happier too! You will learn in a supportive group environment and be provided with concrete skills each week. You will be […]

Worry Busters for Kids
4:00 pm to 6:00 pm This workshop, designed for children aged 8 to 12 years old, will teach children effective tools for talking back to fear and anxiety. Parents will learn tips to support their children when they are anxious. Children enjoy this workshop and find it calming and reassuring to know they are not […]

Introduction to Mindfulness and Mindfulness Meditation
6:30pm to 8:30 pm A gentle introduction to mindfulness for accessing the wisdom, well-being, and wholeness that reside within each of us. Learn how to improve your energy, zest and happiness. Benefits of practicing mindfulness range from the physical, such as improved immune functioning, lower blood pressure, reduced symptoms of pain and lessened insomnia, to […]

Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) – Informed Skills Group for Adults
• Are your emotions feeling out of control?• Are you often impulsive when you are upset?• Are you often feeling rejected or ashamed? You are not alone – our DBT-informed Skills Group could help you! This Skills Group meets weekly for 13 weeks and focuses on skill-building. The group is supportive and a good opportunity […]

#No Worries: A Workshop for Teens
6:00pm – 7:30pm Does your teen have anxiety about tests, presentations, grades, their appearance, or being liked? Or anything else? Has fear and worry ever stopped your teen from doing the things that they liked or had to do? Has your teen spent hours worrying before or after certain situations? Does worry affect your teen’s […]