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Challenging Peer & Family Relationships

Challenging relationships impact everyone’s quality of life

Our psychologists can help improve your child, teen or family’s challenging relationships by using Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) or Family Therapy.

Our psychologists can also teach your child or teen mindfulness meditation to help increase feelings of inner calmness and compassion for others.

Services - Children & Teens - Challenging Peer & Family Relationships: image of a butterfly on a flower

Challenging Peer Relationships

Children or teens who do not get along with peers, or are being bullied by peers, are typically unhappy and are at heightened risk for mental health problems.

We will provide some support for your children if they are having difficulty with their peers and help them feel less distressed by these challenging relationships. We help children and teens learn not to take things personally or be overly sensitive to the perceived criticisms of others. We also teach children and teens problem-solving, communication and social skills.  We also teach them how to be assertive.

Family Therapy

Constant arguing or an unresolved issue in families is quite disconnecting and upsetting and is a significant risk factor for mental health problems in children and teens. Sometimes family therapy is recommended when a particular member is struggling with a mental health concern. Family therapy increases understanding of the concern and how it effects everyone in the family and also teaches family members how best to support the person with the concern.

Family therapy can help build a happy, healthy, family life. Connection in families is essential for the well-being of children, teens and parents.