ADHD Assessment Information Session
Is it often hard to pay attention or focus? Are you easily distracted or side tracked? Does it feel like you are often procrastinating? Are you losing things, feeling disorganized and struggling with time management? Maybe you are also feeling restless and feel like you always have to be on the move. If you hear yourself saying “yes”, then it may be time to investigate whether or not you have Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).
Many people have a hunch they have ADHD but have never had it assessed. Once assessed, there is tremendous benefit and relief. Relief comes from changing negative lifelong dialog blaming oneself for not trying hard enough, for being unmotivated and disorganized and for “not paying attention”. ADHD is caused by a specific neurochemistry in the brain that is not your fault. ADHD can be stressful and it takes a toll on self-esteem, mood, as well as on relationships.
Once assessed and diagnosed with ADHD, individuals can learn the skills to compensate for their difficulties. Many people also decide to try a course of medication that assists with fine-tuning brain neurochemistry so that concentration and motivation improve.
During this initial half-hour group session, the assessment process will be outlined in detail and you will have the opportunity to ask questions. We will also go through the consent and confidentiality information that applies to the assessment.
At the end of the session, questionnaires will be emailed to you so you can fill them out at home and then return them to our centre. As soon as we have received your completed questionnaires, you will be booked individually for the remaining individual assessment sessions.
If you are assessed and it is discovered that these difficulties in areas such as concentration and organization are not ADHD, then other causes and solutions for these difficulties can be identified. The comprehensive ADHD assessment done at our centre will help you identify the source of your challenges. We will then provide you with recommendations.
Our next ADHD Information Group session is on Thursday March 7th 2024 6:30 until 7:00 pm.
The fee for the first 30-minute information session is nominal.
Contact our centre at 905-901-0597 or at for further information and to book your place in our next ADHD Assessment Information Group.
We also have an ADHD Skills group at our centre that may be the next logical step after your assessment. One step at a time!